
We've Moved!

Please note, The Shocker Career Accelerator has moved to the Milly Marcus Annex of the Marcus Welcome Center.

New Career Services Platform is LIVE! 

Learn more about Shocker Central.

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Peer Advisor Kylie Woods meets with a student for a SCA appointment.

Book an Appointment

Looking for personalized career guidance and support? Meet with a Career Coach for one of our many in-person or virtual career coaching appointments.


Career Events

Get career ready by attending our events, such as career fairs, workshops, professional networking, lunch-and-learns, and more! Check it out today!

View our event schedule

Featured Career Tools

PathwayU is a self-guided career assessment tool that helps you navigate through a personalized career exploration process.

Learn about PathwayU

Shocker Central logo

This online career database for students and employees is now live and allows you to search and apply for on-campus employment, co-op/internship positions, and full-time employment!

Learn about Shocker Central

GoinGlobal is the leading career and employment resource for finding jobs and internships at home and abroad.

Learn about GoinGlobal


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